Heidi Mansour, PhD, RPh
Associate Professor
The University of Arizona Colleges of Pharmacy & Medicine
At The University of Arizona, Dr. Mansour is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology/Toxicology in the College of Pharmacy, College of Medicine Division of Translational and Regenerative Medicine, and in the Clinical Translational Sciences program. Dr. Mansour serves as Director of Pharmaceutics/Pharmacokinetics and Director of the PharmD/PhD dual-degree program.
Dr. Mansour currently is a member of the ATS Drug-Device Discovery and Development (DDDD) committee. She has published over 80 peer-reviewed scientific journal papers, 13 book chapters, 2 edited books, and over 100 scientific conference abstracts. Her newest co-edited book is on Inhalation Aerosols: A Physical and Biological Basis for Therapy. She serves on the editorial boards of the Royal Society of Chemistry Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, APhA/FIP Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Pharmaceutical Technology.
Leading her own research group, she trains postdoctoral scholars, visiting scholars, graduate students, Pharm. D. student researchers, and physician-scientist (MD/PhD) fellows.